I get asked a lot about shooting corporate headshots on location for large offices, small business teams, and law firm teams. The biggest question that comes up is, " how are we going to manage 15-20 people coming to your studio, or how can we schedule this many people?" I have an easy answer. 

First, we pick a day where all your team members can be at the office on the same day. We schedule mini 5-minute slots for each person at a specific time. I have a mobile studio set up so I can take all the stress of scheduling everyone off your shoulders by coming to you. I can even set up an electronic schedule where everyone can sign up for their slot. I've set up in hallways, small offices, and huge gorgeous boardrooms. My setup is small and wireless so you don't have to tip-toe around while trying to meet the demands of your office’s busy schedule. 

Once everyone has had their headshot taken, I head back to the studio to make and edits that I need and retouch each person’s headshot. Your images are delivered to you in a gallery that you can download, print or share from. 

I make the process of having your on location corporate headshots stress free for you by helping you with the scheduling and bringing my studio to you so all you have to do is go to work as normal. The last thing you want is a major interruption in your work flow and slowing down you productivity for the day.

On location office headshots for JFW construction in Rockville, Maryland.

On location office headshots for JFW construction in Rockville, Maryland.

On location, outdoor session with Cassaday Investment in Virginia.

On location, outdoor session with Cassaday Investment in Virginia.


200 Photographers. 10,000 Headshots. 1 Day​


Corporate Headshots With Heather