What we start with, isn’t what we end up with | Rockville professional headshots

Photo collection of headshot taken before coaching has started. Expressions are blank.

What We Start With, Is Not What We End Up With

Okay, I’m sure you’re looking at those headshots above and saying, “Huh, those are not so great”.

One of the things I tell everyone in my studio is not to judge themselves based off of the first 25-30 images we look at. When we are just starting in a headshot session the first 20-30 or so images are my “tester shots”. These are shots where I’m fine-tuning my lights and exposure and getting you warmed up to the process. The first several images are never going to be wonderful. But what we start with is not what we end up with.

In this time of increased social media and online presence, headshots have become one of the most important tools you can have. Whether you're a professional or an entrepreneur, a headshot is often the first impression you’ll make. But, for many, just the thought of posing in front of a camera brings up feelings of anxiety and self-doubt. This is where the importance of coaching during your headshot session comes in, making what is often a nerve-wracking experience into a relaxed and enjoyable one.

One of the most common beliefs that individuals face when stepping in front of my camera is that they feel un-photogenic. This feeling leads to apprehension and tension, resulting in stiff and unnatural poses. However, what many fail to realize is that being photogenic is not an inherent trait but a skill that can be learned with guidance and practice. Unless you’re a model, why would you be good at posing in front of a camera?

Coaching On Pose And Facial Expression

This is where my job as a skilled photographer and a coach becomes important. A photographer who understands body language and facial expression can guide their clients through this headshot or portrait process, helping to unlock natural charisma and confidence. By using a large monitor during your session I can use these images to coach you on your facial expressions, show you what’s working well, and also get feedback on what you’re loving and what you’re not. This is a crucial step during the session. But it’s important to understand that at the beginning of the session, you’ll be nervous and maybe a little stiff. As the session goes on and you see how amazing you look on that screen you’ll quickly gain confidence that you look AMAZING!

The coaching goes beyond just poses, coaching during a headshot session also includes eliciting genuine expressions. A fake smile or a vacant stare detracts from the impact of a professional headshot, conveying insincerity rather than authenticity. One thing I never say in my sessions is “smile!”, these are always forced and you will look terrified. I prefer to clown around a little and use some silly one-liners to get genuine smiles and facial expressions that show confidence and approachability.

Leave With More Confidence Than You Came In With

The best part of being coached during a headshot session goes beyond just your final images. It's about creating a positive and fun experience that leaves you feeling confident and empowered. I love seeing clients walk out of my studio with their heads held a little higher than when they walked in. A little bump in self-confidence goes a long way!

Ultimately, a successful headshot session is not only about the quality of your images but the overall experience. A photographer who serves as both a coach and a guide can transform what could be an anxiety-filled session into a relaxed and enjoyable time. By providing expert coaching, and constructive feedback, I can help you overcome your insecurities and embrace your confidence.

Now, when you compare the images at the start of your headshot session with the images at the end, I’m sure you will be wowed. I notice most clients start to un-star images from the earlier part of their session as we start to build a bigger collection. They see the anxiety and nerves start to wear off as the session goes forward.

So, if you’re nervous about having your photo taken, I’m the photographer for you! click below and reach out and let’s see how I can help you look your best online!


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