Team Headshots

In today's fast-paced corporate world, the human element can often get overlooked. The power of a cohesive and unified team should never be overlooked. One of the best ways to do this is to have team headshots and group portraits taken in the office. In this post, I’ll talk about why they matter and how you and your office team will benefit from having group portraits and team headshots taken.

Grid of headhsots taken on location with the Family Firm in Bethesda Marylad

Why do office headshots matter?

  1. Team identity. Your team headshots serve as the visual identity for your company. When potential clients, stockholders, or potential employees visit your website, they’re making their first impression of you and your company. Having professionally taken portraits and headshots instantly shows professionalism and unity

  2. Connection. We tend to do business with real people, not faceless companies. Having team headshots taken helps put a face to the name and gives you an opportunity to show off your true personality. This can be the difference between people clicking on your business profile or being passed up.

  3. Team morale. Employees seeing themselves in a professional way helps to build ownership and validate their position.

  4. Brand consistency. Having a cohesive and consistent brand strategy is important, especially if you market across your website, Linked In, and other social platforms. Having a consistent look helps everything look buttoned up.

Tips for a smooth office headshot session.

  1. Hire a professional. It’s tempting to save some money by using your friend with a great camera setup. If you go with a professional who really knows how to work with and how to coach people, your images and brand will look better.

  2. Choose the right location. Choosing the right backdrop is equally as important. A professional photographer can come to your office and help find the best location. You want to stay away from busy backdrops, or wild patterns. Showing context in your images by taking them inside your office space is often a great idea.

  3. Relax and be yourself. This is the hard part. Most people hate having their picture taken. Rest assured knowing that I have your back here, I know how to coach you on pose and facial expression. You do not need to know what you’re doing or be good at anything. I do.

  4. Editing and retouching. I will go over all the editing and retouching with you so that every image looks consistent. My retouching process is described here. I always aim to make everything I shoot look natural. I don’t want your images to look over-edited. The retouching should be natural.

Here are some examples of what my work looks like on location with some local companies

Kaiser Family Firm

Cassady and Co.

By following the tips above and hiring a professional photographer for your office headshots you are on your way to building a strong and cohesive brand that builds trust in your clients and employees. If you’d like to book a session or find out more about my on-location you can reach out here.

professional headshots taken of a corporate office team in Virginia. Photos are taken outside using the building as a backdrop
Professional Headshots taken of the Kaiser Family Firm team. These headshots were taken indoors using the office as a backdrop in Washington D.C.